Thursday Night Class

Thursday Night Class


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Thursday Night @ 7:00 pm ( zoom only)

Thursday Night Bible Study

Increase Our Faith

Introduction_What is Faith? (09-26-24), Believe (10-03-24), The Hall of Faith: Examples of Increased Faith 1 (10-10-24), The Hall of Faith: Examples of Increased Faith pt2 (10-17-24)


When God Speaks

Introduction (07-18-24), How To Know It's God's Voice pt1 (07-25-24), How to Know It's God's Voice pt2 (08-01-24), How God Speaks pt 1 (08-15-24), How God Speaks 2 (08-22-24), Listening For God's Voice (08-29-24), Looking and Listening For God (09-05-24)


Various Trials

Lesson 1 (10-19-23), Lesson 2; Joy and Peace (10-26-23), Lesson 2 part 2; Long Life and Healing (11-02-23), Lesson 3; Prayer (11-09-23), Lesson 4; Why We MUST Suffer (11-16-23), Lesson 5; Deny & Avoid or Embrace and Endure (11-30-23), Lesson 6; Facing Reality (12-07-23) Lesson 7; Discipleship In Suffering (01-11-24), Lesson 8; Choose Life (01-25-24), Lesson 8 pt 2; Pleasing God in Various Trials (02-01-24), Lesson 9; Yet I am Not Alone (02-15-24), Lesson 10; Be Strong and Courageous (03-07-24), Lesson 11; Needless Suffering pt 1 (03-14-24), Needless Suffering pt 2 (03-21-24), Lesson 12; Change & Loss (03-28-24), Lesson 13; The Suffering of Others (05-16-24), Lesson 14; Satisfied With Life (05-23-24), Lesson 15; Death and The Afterlife (05-30-24), Lesson 16; The Peace of God (06-06-24)



Things Hard To Understand                                  

03-09-23; Why Israel Wandered 40 Years; Free Will; God's Eternal Nature; Why Is There Evil - 03-23.23; Why Is Circumcision So Important to The Jews, - 03-30-23; Why Is The Catholic Church called "The Church"; Why Did The Catholic Church Persecute Other Christians - 04-06-23; Belief vs Faith; The New Covenant In My Blood - 04-13-23; Gossip - 05-04-23; Why So Many Bible Translations? - 05-11-23; Book of Mormon and Jehovah's Witnesses, 05-18-23; Miracles - 06-08-23; Angels - 06-29-23; Why Christians Fall Away - 06-29-23; Why Christians Fall Away - 07-27-23; How Can We Know We Are Praying Right - 08-10-23; One Cup Communion - 08-17-23; Grief - 08-24-23; Bless The LORD